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The European Union

2001 de John Pinder
The European Union - Photo 0

The European Union

2001 de John Pinder
3,44 Neuf 8,70 €
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John Pinder writes with expert knowledge of the European Union, but in plain, readable English. He shows how and why the Union has developed from 1950 up to the present. He explains the interplay between governments and federal elements in the institutions; consensus over the single market and the environment; and conflicts over agriculture, social policies, the Euro, and frontier controls. He shows how the Union relates to its European neighbors, the United States, and the rest of the world, and outlines the choices that lie ahead. He is clear about his federalist orientation, presents the arguments fairly, and is scrupulous about the facts. This is quite simply the best short book on the subject.
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Photo non contractuelle. Envoi rapide et soigné.
Biographie de l'auteur
John Pinder was Director of the Policy Studies Institute and is Honorary Professor at the College of Europe. He has studied the development of the European Community Since 1950, seeing it as a framework for lasting peace and prosperity. His books include Britain and the Common Market (1961), The Economics of Europe (1971), The European Community and Eastern Europe (1991), The Building of the European Union (1998), and Foundations of Democracy in the European Union (1999). He is Chairman of the Federal Trust and has been Vice-President of the International European Movement and President of the European Union of Federalists.
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  • Largeur : 11.2 cm
  • Épaisseur : 1.4 cm
  • Hauteur : 17.8 cm
  • Langue : Français
  • Auteur : John Pinder
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